Industry &

Normal Resistance Heating Elements
The most common heating element type, typically referred to as Normal, Constant or Fixed Resistance. These elements have small resistance variations with either temperature or time.
Constant resistance loads are the most common form of industrial electrical heating and include nickel chrome, inconel and other alloys as well as long and medium wave infrared heaters. Typical resistance change less than 10%.
A typically robust element, simple ON/OFF control can be applied to this type of load. We would suggest either our Zero Crossover Firing with a DC Logic control signal, or Burst Firing with a DC linear signal such as 0-10V or 4-20mA.
Commonly switched in industry with Mechanical Contactors, our range of Solid State Relays and Power Controllers offer a real long term advantage in cost and performance. For more information read our informative guide Contactors v SSR’s.
For the normal resistance application, with direct connection between the power device and heating element, we would recommend the REVO-S family for switching currents up to 800A, or the REVO-C from 800A up to
2100A. Power devices are available in single phase (1PH) or 3 phase solutions, either 3 wire or 4 wire configurations using our 2PH or 3PH controllers.
If you’re looking for added functionality to maximise the performance of your process the REVO-C family has innovative options such as Smartphone integration, the most popular field bus communications, and energy
analysis tools.
For multi-zone applications we suggest using either REVO-PC in combination with REVO-S, or REVO-PN that smooths and reduces power peaks providing real time energy savings to your process.
Is your normal resistance load connected to the secondary of a transformer?
If the normal resistance element is connected via a transformer, you will need to compensate for the high inrush current on start up. We would recommend the REVO-C family in this case.